Dropdown List Widget - Sub Navigation

Stage 1

First, make sure that you have both components of the Dropdown List widget on your canvas in Muse.

Stage 2

Set up your first category, this will be your parents category; when you hover over this item your sub items will appear. In this example we have called our heading 'SHOP.'

Stage 3

Next set up your sub navigational tabs. In this example we called ours 'Clothing' and 'Food.'

Stage 4

Next, in the 'Link Parent Title' field for both 'Clothing' and 'Food.' enter 'SHOP.' This means that the tabs 'Clothing' and 'Food' will appear under the heading 'SHOP.'

Stage 5

Preview your page in browser to see the applied settings.


Your menu will now be displaying according to your settings from the Options panel. For additional styling options use the widget Options panel. 

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